About us

Jamelle Thomas, owner and operator of Mel 'n Nem Farms

Our Story

Mel ‘n Nem farms started with family. At first, I wanted to start a farm to recapture the joy of gardening I shared with my dad as a child. Every year, while tilling and planting, we shared laughs and joys, we talked about life, we got closer as a family. It was not only a source of sustenance, it was a source of wisdom, health, and emotional well-being. I wanted my children to have those same gifts.

When the pandemic hit, it highlighted a major disconnect in how we provide for our local community. Food shortages, overburdened grocery stores, and supply chain issues made it incredibly difficult for families to thrive. Conditions were even harder for families who lived in food deserts or places without local access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Addressing these issues became my new priority. 

Mel ‘n Nem Farms is a sustainable learning farm committed to ending food insecurity in our communities through education, engagement, and design. We’re a hub for rebuilding the types of communities that will allow us to face future challenges. A place where neighbors can come and take classes with their families, friends, churches, and organizations. Most importantly, we’re a center for discovering and enjoying all the holistic benefits of being in nature. Our mantra is Learn and Grow Together.